I just started posting email signal reports
to this page, I do have others that I have printed or deleted and if you
do not see yours here, I just have not got to posting it yet or I can't.
Thanks. SFR.,. Like a crack-head on to a $5.00 rock here we go:
From: Lighthouse9564@aol.com
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 14:56:52 EST
Subject: Re: Reception Report - More
To: seattlefreeradio@yahoo.com
I also heard a faint voice talking un 6950usb
of and on until about 0700 UTC, but it
had faded pretty badly by then. Not good
enough of a signal to provide useful details.
What details I could provide I've already sent
in the previous e-mail.
Hope to hear you again soon !!!
SFR: Keep listening and thanks for the Report!
From:"Legend56bc" <panel56@intergate.ca>
To: seattlefreeradio@yahoo.com
Subject: Want to Hear you In Langley BC
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 13:02:18 -0800
I want to be able to hear you up hear in Langley BC just across
the border from Lynden WA,hoping you could give me a email when your going
to be on. I got your web page from Adams mp3 of your show...I only have
a DX398 so if you could let me know what freq and usb or lsb that will
help me a great deal...Thanks in advance
Paul Langley BC
SFR: After several emails we determined that
Paul does not have an antenna suitable for short-wave listening.
Longer is better, despite what you girlfriend
told you.
From:"Stan Self" <Zeawolf@webtv.net>
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 18:36:37 -0500 (EST)
To: seattlefreeradio@yahoo.com
Subject: QSL
Hello from PA
I was listening on a Grundig YB400PE I just got. It was Friday 3-19-02.
At about 9:45pm to 10:00pm. You were hard to hear most of this time
A few times it was clear. I live at the address below:
Stan Self
509 N. Shamokin St.
Shamokin, PA 17872
I found you on 9650KHz. Some people at rec.radio.shortwave
say you are
an unknown pirate. What I heard was Jokes about Col. Stave Anderson
and music in between and references to religion?
~Stan~ aka Zeawolf
SFR: Sonofabitch we did not think there wa
a Shamokin PA, even less that our signal would make it there.
Date:Wed, 3 Apr 2002 12:23:33 -0600
From:"wrw800s" <wrw800s@smsu.edu>
Subject: Reception report
April 3, 2002
Dear Seattle Free Radio:
Heard your broadcast on Saturday morning and was very surprised.
not expect to hear you all this way east. Below is a reception
report that
I hope will be of some interest. I wish I could have heard
more but only
caught the last 8 or 9 minutes. Also, reception was not that
great. Could you
please verify this report? Sorry for taking so long but I'm
now back
from spring break.
Respond to: wrw800s@smsu.edu smsu=Southwest
Missouri State
University or William R. Wilkins, PO Box 50482, Springfield, MO
DATE: March 30, 2002
TIME: 0721 to 0730 UTC
REMARKS: Good audio with some occasional fading; much interference
from thunderstorms to my north and south which made you difficult
understand at times
0721 UTC--man talking, mentioned Seattle; followed by CW & then
series of announcements & sound effects including stuff like
"see you later
alligator"0723 UTC--bit of song "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"; more
talk, bag pipes
playing "How Great Thou Art" at 0726, people talking, clips of
what sounded like the 3 Stooges & Dr. Demento
0727 UTC--"Taps", followed by musical fanfare and man saying
"...Seattle Free Radio. We can be reached at the ...email
...on the web at http://..." [rest covered by noise]
0728 UTC--"National Anthem"
0729 UTC--loud shrill tone and then off
0730 UTC--followed by a long series of CW, but I don't read CW so
know if it was you Thanks, enjoyed hearing your broadcast &
hope to hear from you soon.
Good luck, Bill Wilkins
SFR: We don't read CW either, try a program
called cwget and cwtype Freeware! Loud shrill tone? Divorced the eX long
ago, perhaps your thinking of the old EBS tone, followed by: "If this had
been an actual emergency."
Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 08:50:43 -0800
From:"Stephen P. McGreevy" <vlfradio@QNET.COM>
Organization:S.P. McGreevy Productions
Subject: Good reception in Mojave Desert
Your stn is regularly audible here in the Mojave Desert - I am the
KMUD op. here. I've caught at least 5 of your shows since
February, and love the skit/commercials! Heard you last night
in 6951
USB, alas, a bit too close to my 6948 kHz AM xmsn that ended about
p.m. We need to better frequency coordinate to reduce QRM.
Attached is MP3 audio file of earli ID a few weeks ago,
Steve MCGreevy, KMUD realm of Inyo
Natural VLF Radio audio recordist
Presenting the sounds of Space Weather
SFR: Kool soundz (links above) just wait till
I start farting in the mic. Be my own special auroralchorus.
Almost like when I broadcast shows during
heavy solar activity, the only one that heard me was in Italy or Italia,
see below.
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 21:44:51 -0700
From:"Walter Salmaniw" <salmaniw@shaw.ca> | Block Address
| Add to Address Book
Subject: Reception report
To: seattlefreeradio@yahoo.com
Hello fellas! Just listening to a MD of an off air recording
Seattle Free Radio. It's over 2 hours long, starting at 0430
30 March, 2002 on
6950 USB. Reception was initially good to very good, but I
noticed a
deterioration in the signal to fair to good towards the end.
mentioned this www site, and email address. I' m not located
too far away in
Victoria, BC, Canada. My equipment that night was a AOR 7030+
using a T2FD antenna. I wouldn't mind a QSL card, as I've
received a pirate one before. My address is:
Walter Salmaniw
1736 St Ann Street
Victoria, BC
V8R 5V8
You were asking for reports towards the end of my MD from Alaska,
Hawaii and Australia. Did you get any? Good luck, and
I'll keep listening
(haven't heard you since)....Walt.l
SFR: O' Canada, O' Canada: Walt, we have Dx'ed
11 mtrs free band to the Kangaroo continent, no signal reports from any
of them though. I'm thinking there are not a lot of SW listeners down under..
To: seattlefreeradio@yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 03:02:29 -0700
Subject: 20416 Seattle Free Radio
From: "Tom Hazeltine" <evergreen74@juno.com>
You had a loud signal into Burien on 4/16/2002 3:00 UTC 6945.
But by
3:30 UTC digital QRM mostly wiped you out.
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 18:22:19 -0700
From: "Walter Salmaniw" <salmaniw@shaw.ca>
Subject: Reception tonight
To: seattlefreeradio@yahoo.com
Great reception on 6945 tonight until your sign-off at just after
0100 UTC. You had some mike problems, though.
S9 signal here in
Victoria, BC. Will look for your broadcasts in the future.
You must
be pretty close judging from your signal. Are you really in
SFR: S9 into Canada, but Tom, above, perhaps
only 5 miles away says, " QRM mostly wiped you out" ??? I can get that
kind of abuse on 27.555 USB, I especially like it when the truck drivers
on 11 mtrs tell me that my stock mic sounds like shit. I'm sure Yeasu intentionally
includes shitty sounding mic's with their $800.00 transceivers.
From: "gcb" <ojqbel@tin.it>
To: Seattlefreeradio@yahoo.com
Subject: Seattle Free Radio.doc
Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 10:21:19 +0200
Via Della Dozza 14
40128 Bologna
E –mail : ojqbel1@libero.it
To Mr.Station Manager
Seattle Free Radio
Bologna 01.05.2002
Dear Friend,
I was very pleased to listen your station on 28.04.2002,on a frequency
of 6945 Khz
Time 00.56 UTC.
The place of my reception is Mount Donato,hill near my town
Details : Identification at 00.57 UTC ”This concludes our broadcast
day”with multilanguages
goodbyes. The overall merit of the reception quality is : Fair (SINPO
My receiver is Kenwood R.2000,and antenna is : Long Wire-Ver/Nd.
would be very happy if you could send me a card or letter of verification
with your logo,to confirm my reception
.Please indicate the date,the time and the frequency of my listening.I
very much hope that you will attend to this
request and many thanks in advance for your assistance.
Best Regards
Giovanni Bellabarba
SFR: I wonder how many US Postage stamps that
takes to mail a Qso/Qsl card to Italia ?
From"Louis Giliberto" <krnlhkr@hotmail.com>
To: seattlefreeradio@yahoo.com
Subject: Signal report
Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 04:12:03 +0000
I received your broadcast of 5/8/02 on 6945Khz USB. I started
listening at 03:33 UTC, and heard a parody commercial for bartending college,
and for a new movie - "Forrest Dump". Followed by station ID, music,
and a variety of interesting audio pieces. I am still listening now
at 03:58 UTC to "Baby Got Back".
I really enjoyed the parodies and the eclectic audio and music.
I'm kind of "prudish" when it comes to swearing, so I disliked the vulgarities,
but overall am enjoying the broadcast and the creativity.
I'm receiving you at S5 on an Icom R-75 with a 75' inverted-L antenna
outside about 30 ft. above the ground. Before sunset, the signal
had a fair amount of static which I compensated for by using passband tuning
and a wide filter on the signal. As sunset arrived, the static abated
and I was able to listen without filtering. The signal remained about
Before sunset SIO: 333
After sunset SIO: 344
Assuming you are located in the Seattle area (one never knows),
I am fairly close. I live about 20 minutes east of Duvall in the
Cascade foothills. It is about 50 minutes from Seattle.
Also, you are my first pirate catch, so I am pretty excited!!!
If you would be kind enough to send a QSL, it would be greatlyappreciated
(and honored since it is my first pirate reception). If you want
a SASE or something, let me know where to send it. Looking forward to listening
to you again!
Lou Giliberto
14016 311th Ave. NE
Duvall, WA 98019
SFR: Vulgarities? Here at Seattle Free Radio
it's god fearing christian radio programing all the time. And if you believe
that line of crap then we have some radio waves to sell you.
We give you an A+ for reporting though and
a "laminated" qso/qsl card is in the wurks...
From: "David Pinion" <corvus@scn.org>
To: seattlefreeradio@yahoo.com
Subject: Signal report
Date: Sat, 4 May 2002 12:24:18 -0700
Friday May 4 2002 approx 0530-0600Z:
6945 USB, S7 copy on Capitol Hill, Seattle.
Enjoyed long sign off routine at about 0600Z.
Please send QSL card via email.
SFR: Just wondering how you get Zane out of
David Pinion?
Date:Sat, 4 May 2002 05:37:36 +0000
From:"Vance Daberko" <vdaberko@fastmail.fm>
Reply-to:"Vance Daberko" <vdaberko@fastmail.fm>
Subject:Reception Report
Corvallis, OR
Around 2200 to 2230 hours on Friday, May 3. Signal fair to good
Kenwood R2000, Sony 6800 and Drake R8B. Tuned to 6944.9 USB. Heard
vintage rock song "Hocus Pocus" by Focus, some country song about
jail house followed by tune from "Oh Brother Where art Thou", a
weather report (clear conditions) followed by a tune from the movie
soundtrack of Midnight Express.
Please send confirmation and/or QSL card if possible.
Thank you,
Vance Daberko
956 NW Anjni Circle
Corvallis, OR 97330
Vance Daberko
SFR: Yes, this was the wind down of S.F.R.,
printing up new cards, will get one out to you.